Benefits of professional steel recycling in Manchester

Steel is one of the most widely used metals in the UK. From the construction and building industry, to packaging for food, drinks and aerosols, steel is a big commodity. But what should you do with your scrap steel? And why should you recycle steel? Well, here at X-Met Metals, we are the North West’s leading scrap metal merchants. We travel across the North West, from Manchester to Blackburn, including Ormskirk, St Helens and Skelmersdale, as well as further afield, to collect and pay for your scrap metal on site, including steel. And this is our guide to everything you should know about the benefits of professional steel recycling.

Steel is easily recycled

Steel is actually the most recycled packaging material around the globe. This is because steel is a permanent material , and it can easily be recycled repeatedly, without losing quality. In fact, a lot of steel in use today, contains a percentage of already recycled steel! In some cases this is up to 25%.

Recycling your steel, is easy if you get in touch with us, here at X-Met Metals. Wherever you are, and whenever you need us, we can come to you, to weigh out and pay you, for your scrap steel. But, why should you recycle steel?

What are the benefits of professional steel recycling in Manchester?

Recycling steel can bring a variety of benefits. These include:

  • Competitive pricing for your scrap- you can recycle steel and turn your waste into cash. Here at X-Met, we are professional scrap steel buyers, and we offer competitive prices. So instead of fly tipping your steel, or taking it to the local tip, why not give us a call? We will even come to you.
  • Conserve energy- in a climate where energy over-consumption, particularly of finite natural resources, is something we all need to avoid, recycling scrap metal is a great option. And by recycling steel, a lot of energy can be saved. In fact, if all of the drink cans in the UK
    were made of steel, enough energy would be saved to light every home in the UK for several weeks. And using scrap steel saves up to 74% of the energy that would be needed to make new steel.
  • Protect the environment- recycling steel can be a positive move for the environment. Recycling just one tonne can reduce air pollution by 86%, and water pollution by 76%. It could also save:
    • 1.5 tonnes of iron ore
    • 0.5 tonnes of coke
    • 1.28 tonnes of solid waste

Steel skip hire

If you have a lot of scrap steel, or you will do over time, why not consider hiring a skip? Here at X-Met Metals we provide a range of skips of different sizes for hire. And whenever you need us, we will collect your skip from you, wherever you across the North West region. 

Recycle your steel today

For an easy and simple way to recycle your steel, get in touch with the team, here at X-Met Metals. We can arrange a time convenient to you, to collect, weigh and pay for your scrap materials. Including steel. Why not contact us today?